VolDECs provide you with a number of benefits

Various external and internal pressures mean that, for most organisations across all sectors, energy performance evaluation is fast-becoming unavoidably essential. Some see it as a burden but the more enlightened view is that it provides benefits for all their stakeholders – from shareholders to employees to customers and occupants.

The benefits of VolDECs are that they:

  • Highlight energy performance and provide a clear driver for improving performance
  • Are a stand-alone entry level engagement tool – based on relatively simple data, making them easy to produce and inexpensive
  • Establish a consistent methodology and quality level across the industry
  • Provide landlords and tenants with comparative energy performance of the areas that they control
  • Offer a starting point for tenant engagement
  • Use robust DEC methods but with more appropriate benchmarks and an extended scale for greater performance differentiation
  • Have been piloted in various multi-tenanted offices, and are now being developed for other sectors and building owners/operators
  • Help to highlight data and performance anomalies and the need for more detailed investigations

VolDECs – by the industry, for the industry

Whilst complex buildings will need external expertise, VolDECs provide a useful, cost-effective and relatively easy starting point, and one that can be built into a more sophisticated approach as and when skills and confidence grow.

Our aim with VolDECs is to create a USEFUL tool by the industry, for the industry.

VolDEC Useful Chart Final

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